The dark side of a Zebra

A Zebra is one of the most iconic mammals in Africa, as it looks rather pretty and is like a frolicking wild horse to most. However, Zebras certainly don’t act as gentile as they look! Why they have such start colours is a mystery! One theory is that they have the stripes not to hide…

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The strongest insect in the world…

Dung beetles can roll dung balls up to 50 times their own weight. These little guys are some of the most fascinating insects out here in the bush. For the whole of winter they have been in a state of torpor waiting for the heat of summer and the first rains. The bush then starts…

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A spot of ewe for breakfast

With the summer in full swing in the Southern Hemisphere, all the impala ewes have started dropping their lambs and we’ve been bombarded with the most amazing sightings over the past few weeks.   Our goal for the morning was to find a leopard and we didn’t have to wait too long! Rika, one of the…

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The Phinda Pangolin project

Matt and his wife Noa were lucky enough to go to Phinda (Zuka Lodge) during the summer season and witness the first radio collaring of a Pangolin. Pangolins have been locally extinct in Zululand for around 50 – 60 years. In 2019, Phinda saw the birth of it’s first pup within the reserve. This was…

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Nothing diminutive about a Dwarf Mongoose

These incredible creatures may be the smallest carnivores in Africa but there’s nothing diminutive about these cheeky chaps! They are often found living in old termite mounds where the temperatures remain pretty constant all year round making for a comfortable home with central heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. The typical…

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Crashing Cubs

In many of the Private Reserves the Rangers have the privilege of getting to know particular prides of lions as well as resident leopards. This makes perfect sense as they all have particular territories which they’ve claimed. When Rich was a Safari Guide at Sabi Sabi, The Southern Pride was (and still is) a lion…

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Quirky questions we get asked – a lot 

The saying ‘ You can’t make this stuff up’ is especially true when it comes to the animal kingdom. Over time, animals & plants have developed an amazing strategy of adaptation to climatic conditions and habitat over time. ​​As Safari Guides, we often get asked the same questions over and over, here are 3 funny ones: Why do giraffes have such…

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The trick behind landscape photography

On behalf of Rich De Gouveia In my humble opinion, one of the most difficult things to capture is a beautiful landscape as it’s so much better in real life than it will ever be in person. However, because the scene is so epic we want to be able to share it with our friends…

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More ferocious than a lion

This little creature may not be large in stature but has more ‘chutzpah’ than most large predators. Can you guess what it is? It’s the Honey Badger! In fact, these feisty little badgers have been known to chase off young lions off kills as well as actually kill buffalo, wildebeest and waterbuck. Whether their ability…

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The Go – Rillas

First hand encounter of THE chest beating Silverback by Richard De Gouveia We arrived in Kigali, Rwanda as the evening was setting in. We enjoyed a late dinner before retiring to our rooms for a much-needed rest before the real adventure began.  Up bright and early the next morning, we soaked in ‘the country of…

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