Lions at war

There’s nothing more exhilarating than waking up in the bush when it’s still dark and heading off on an early morning game drive. We wanted to get a head start on the sunrise and capture a few photos of dawning of a new day. As we reached the open area with a beautiful view to…

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Rutt a Tutt

Impalas are a dime a dozen in the South African bushveld and there’s a reason behind it. As winter descends on the southern hemisphere, testosterone levels ascend in Impala Rams. The dominant males will dispatch all their competitors by forcing them into aptly named bachelor herds.   Rutting can be a noisy business, full of snorts…

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10 Top Items to pack for a Gorilla Trek

Top 10 things to pack for a gorilla trek in Rwanda  Going on a gorilla trek is undoubtedly one of the most exciting travel adventures anyone can have.   The packing list below is based on our own personal experiences of trekking through the vast rainforests of Rwanda.   It is after all a rainforest and you…

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With a whole new group of guests in the lodge it was time to put my game-face on and get ready to show all of them this magical piece of Africa. All first timers the drive started out with lots of the basic questions like what they could expect to see and my explanation remains…

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Chopper flip over the Blyde River Canyon

Sabi Sabi offers one of the best safari experiences in Africa but what do you do between safaris? Well, how about a helicopter flip over the 3rd largest canyon in the world. The Blyde River Canyon is absolutely beautiful and I was fortunate enough to join some guests for the 2-hour flight. The excitement really…

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Crashing cubs

The Southern Pride is a group of lions that we at Sabi Sabi cherish and we get to watch them as they move through life. We have witnessed males passing, new males moving in, adolescent males being forcefully moved out and of course the addition of new cubs. Unfortunately, when it comes to nature, wherever…

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Don’t wangle on the angle

The angle of a shot can change the perspective for the viewer. Here is a little story about angling: Recently, we were on a photographic safari and stopped to watch a curious yellow billed hornbill. This beautiful bird had become relaxed around people as he was prone to getting leftover scraps thrown to him. This…

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