Boss of the Sky

It’s not just animals that will compete for territory with the same species or with other species.  Birds are no different and will often complete very elaborate displays to figure out who will stay and who will go. Large raptors, such as eagles, will fiercely defend their territories and engage in talon grappling as one…

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The Mapogo Lions

‘Legend’ surmises the reign of the notorious Mapogo lions in the Sabi Sands to perfection. About 12 years ago, you might have seen or heard about these band of brothers that ruled the area with an iron ‘paw’. They were true warriors and proved themselves time after time on the field of battle. During their…

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Why did the waterbuck sit on a freshly painted toilet seat?

There are many myths around why the waterbuck has a white ring around his bottom. One story is that waterbuck were believed to be the first animals to climb onto Noah’s Ark; when they climbed aboard, they went to the toilet before their long journey, and because the toilet seats were still wet with paint,…

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Like a moth to flame 

Where did the saying, like a moth to a fame originate and why do moths in reality do this? The theory is that moths use light, such as the moon, to navigate flight. The moonlight acts as a natural reference point for them and by placing an artificial light out, they get confused and fly…

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Mating Leopards…AGAIN? 

This is starting to get a little ridiculous. Mating leopards is a rare sighting yet our dominant male leopard from the east of our reserve is making a habit of it. After our awesome sighting with the lonely leopard the night before we knew that something was up. I explained in the last post that…

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Wondrous wild dogs (Richard reminisces)

When I was a guide at Sabi Sabi, I was getting ready for the arrival of my new guests and a message was sent out to all the rangers that one of our rangers, Michell, had found the wild dogs on a double impala kill…when she arrived, after following the mass of vultures that were…

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Civet Coffee anyone?

This is another nocturnal animal that’s incredibly elusive.It’s an African Civet and you can recognise it by its trotting gait close to the ground as well as a thick bushy tail. Civets will eat anything from insects to small vertebrates, which it kills by biting repeatedly and rips the food apart by using the forefront…

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Lion cubs at play

Lion cubs, along with cheetah cubs, in my opinion, are the epitome of cuteness in the wild – with their fluffy coats and mischievous demeanour. The early days of a lion cub’s life are filled with playfulness and curiosity yet danger as their mothers keep them at bay from lions, hyenas, leopards and other predators.…

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Desert Elephants Namibia

Desert Elephants in Namibia are primarily found in the northwestern regions, including the Kunene River area, Caprivi Strip, and parts of Damaraland. These ellies have adapted to surviving with limited water resources. They can travel long distances in search of water and are known to have a remarkable memory for locating water sources like digging…

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Gorilla Safaris: Uganda or Rwanda, where to start

Explore the differences between trekking gorillas in Uganda and Rwanda with our latest video. This comprehensive guide takes you through the distinct experiences offered by these two East African destinations when it comes to encountering these magnificent creatures. Delve into Uganda, known as the “Pearl of Africa,” and discover its vast biodiversity, dense rainforests, and…

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